

日期: 2024-07-17 09:55:46










在透明、活力和创造性的森林中,我们的木木个人资料直播间成为了一个具有吸引力的社区。每个参与者都可以展示自己真实的自信和个性,同时也能享受到他们喜爱的木木个人资料。无论是希望找到朋友还是追求社交成就,这个平台都能够提� Written by the University of Nevada, Reno in their course WPAC 429: Business Intelligence. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to use data analysis and visualization techniques in Excel.

Problem Statement: A local pizza parlor has a loyalty program that customers can participate in. For every $10 spent, the customer earns one free coupon for their next purchase. Coupons have expired after 9 months since they were issued to the customers and are still valid if not used within this timeframe. The management would like to investigate whether coupons are being utilized as expected by comparing them with actual revenue generated per month from loyalty program participants (customers who receive free coupon).

In your Excel sheet, include the following columns: Date of Purchase(dd-mmm-yy), Customer Name, Total Spent($), Loyalty Program Participant (Yes/No) and Coupons Issued.

For each customer in your sample data set, calculate the number of coupons earned since joining the program by using this formula: =IF((A2-DATEVALUE('01-JAN-06'))>=3659,"Yes","No")(C2/10). (In cell A2, enter a date corresponding to when they joined the program and in C2, enter how much money that particular customer spent during this month)

Create appropriate charts from your data analysis. Then, using Excel pivot tables, perform an analysis comparing revenue generated per month by loyalty participants vs non-loyalty participants for at least one year. Based on these findings, write a brief report summarizing the insights you can derive and provide recommendations to management on how they may improve their coupon program based on your data analysis.


To tackle this assignment effectively using Excel's capabilities, we will break it down into several steps: setting up our dataset, calculating coupons earned per customer, generating charts for visual analysis, analyzing revenue differences between loyalty and non-loyalty participants, and finally summarizing insights with recommendations. Here's how to proceed through each step:

Step 1: Setting Up the Dataset

Creating a Sample Data Set (assuming we have data for January):

1. Open Excel and create a new worksheet.

2. Enter your dataset with columns as described: Date of Purchase (`A`), Customer Name (`B`), Total Spent ($) (`C`), Loyalty Program Participant (`D`), Coupons Issued (calculated).

Here's an example table for January 1st to 3rd, assuming the customer joined on December 30th, 2022:

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |


| 1 | Date of Purchase | Customer Name | Total Spent ($) | Loyalty Program Participant | Coupons Issued (calculated) | Date of Join | Monthly Revenue by Participation | Difference in Revenue |

| 2 | 01-JAN-23 | John Doe | 45 | Yes | =IF((A2-DATEVALUE('12-DEC-22'))>=3659,"Yes","No")(C2/10) | 12-DEC-22 | $60 | (To be calculated) |

| 3 | 02-JAN-23 | Jane Smith | 80 | Yes | =IF((A3-DATEVALUE('12-DEC-22'))>=3659,"Yes","No")(C3/10) | 12-DEC-22 | $80 | (To be calculated) |

| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |

Step 2: Calculating Coupons Earned Per Customer

Use the given formula in column `E` for each row. For example, if a customer joined on December 30th and spent $45 this month, their coupons earned calculation would be:




Step 3: Generating Charts for Visual Analysis

To visualize the distribution of coupons earned and revenue by participants versus non-participants, use Excel's charting tools. For example:

- Pie Chart showing the proportion of loyalty vs non-loyalty customers in terms of coupon usage.

- Bar Graph comparing total monthly revenue between loyalty and non-loyalty participants for at least one year, segmented by month.

Step 4: Analyzing Revenue Differences with Excel Pivot Tables

To compare the revenues generated per month by loyalty versus non-loyalty participants over a year, create a pivot table by selecting your data range and then inserting a pivot table from the Data tab. Then, organize it as follows:

1. Rows: Months (to display revenue trends over time)

2. Columns: Loyalty Program Participant (Yes/No for comparison)

3. Values: Sum of Total Spent by both columns to directly compare revenues generated.

Step 5: Writing a Brief Report & Recommendations

Based on your analysis, you might observe patterns such as loyalty program participants generating less revenue than expected due to underutilization of coupons or vice vers True/False: In an Excel spreadsheet, if two cells contain the same value, then their references (the cell addresses) are also identical.

Support: False

In an Excel spreadsheet, even if two cells contain the same value, their references (cell addresses) do not necessarily have to be identical. Each cell in a spreadsheet is uniquely identified by its address or reference within the worksheet, which includes both column and row identifiers (e.g., A1 vs B2).

Here's why:

- Different Cells: Excel organizes data into rows and columns across sheets. It's possible for two cells to contain the same value but reside in different locations, such as cell A1 on Sheet1 and cell B2 on Sheet2. Therefore, their references are not identical even though they share a value.

- Copying Values: When you copy a cell's value from one location to another (e.g., C3 =A1), the content of C3 becomes "Hello" if A1 was also "Hello." However, the reference for this new value in C3 is different than that of A1 since they are located in different cells within potentially different sheets or even workbooks (if not opened locally).

- Formula References: In cases involving formulas where a formula's output depends on cell references, identical values could result from referencing the same location but with slightly varied addresses due to sheet naming conventions or if referenced cells are located in different worksheets.

In summary, while two cells might display the same value under specific circumstances (like using copy-paste methods), their unique addresses disqualify them from being identical references within an Excel spreadsheet's context.




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