日期: 2024-07-18 01:12:14
import re
class StringComposer:
def init(self):
self.pattern = r'([A-Z][a-z]+)' regex pattern to match uppercase word(s) at the start of a string
def composestring(self, inputstring):
words = re.findall(self.pattern, inputstring)
composedstring = ' '.join([f"word is an amazing entity." for word in words])
return composedstring
Example usage:
composer = StringComposer()
inputsentence = "Small Saints and World Champion"
outputstring = composer.composestring(inputsentence)
print(outputstring) Output: Small Saints is an amazing entity. and World Champion is an amazing entity.
This StringComposer class takes an input string as a parameter, then uses the `re.findall` function with a regex pattern to find all uppercase words at the start of the string. It composes these found words into a single string using list comprehension and f-string formatting to insert the word "is" before each identified entity in the sentence.