

日期: 2024-07-16 02:13:26





第三个话题是金钰儿网上直播与个人财富管理的关系。在KO平台上,有一些财务专业人士提� Cooperative federalism is an arrangement where different entities share both powers and duties.


Cooperative Federalism, also known as "marble-cake federalism," refers to a system of government in which national, state, and local governments interact cooperatively and collectively to solve common problems, rather than making policies separately. This model blurs the lines between levels of government, with powers and duties being shared among them, unlike dual federalism (layer cake federalism), where each level of government operates within its own sphere.

In Cooperative Federalism, intergovernmental relations are characterized by:

- Overlapping jurisdictions: Different layers of government may have concurrent powers in certain policy areas, such as education, transportation, and environmental protection. They often collaborate on projects that cross these jurisdictional boundaries.

- Fiscal federalism: The national government redistributes financial resources to state and local governments through grants or revenue sharing. This system of funding allows for the centralization of certain budgetary decisions while also acknowledging the fiscal autonomy of lower levels.

- Administrative federalism: Agencies at all levels work together, either by forming intergovernmental partnerships or through task forces and commissions that bring different government bodies to a common table for policy development.

- Policy innovation: This model allows states to act as "laboratories of democracy," where they can experiment with new policies, which if successful, might be adopted at the national level.

Examples of Cooperative Federalism include programs like Medicaid and the food stamp program (SNAP), which are administered by states but funded through a combination of state, federal, and sometimes local taxes or grants. The interplay between state and federal governments in these areas showcases how they share responsibilities to effectively implement public services and address societal issues.


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