

日期: 2024-07-16 10:04:05





在《陈默资料》,陈默不仅传递了他深入理解的技术知识和专业性能,更重要的是他通过实用问题解答和实操演示向社会展现了知识的可以用来实际解决问题的价值。许多技术专业人士都在这个平台上通过陈默的指导学习,不断提高自身技能和专业水平。例如,他在编程、数据分析和网络安全等领域的直播内容,至今仍被广泛引用和学习,对个人技能提升具有深远影� Written in the summer of 1905, Tolstoy wrote to his friend Pyotr Ganzhevsky about how he was "still writing" a new novel. The author's name appears in many of these letters, which have been collected into book form as Letters from a Tall Man [1].

This collection gives the reader an intimate view not only of Tolstoy but also of the intellectual climate that influenced him and his views on society. He often complains about "the lack" or "absence" of people who possess knowledge and insight into life, while praising those whose actions are governed by morality rather than wisdom gained through study [2].

This book begins with a discussion between Tolstoy and Ganzhevsky about the role that art plays in society. Artists, according to Tolstoy, have been forced "into isolation" as they no longer serve any useful purpose for civilization. This position is based on his belief that what people need from art are moral lessons rather than aesthetic ones [3].

He also complains about the lack of interest among scientists and philosophers in studying practical subjects like economics, which he believes have a great deal to teach humanity [4]. Tolstoy's disdain for both science and art seems at odds with his own work as an author. While many scholars consider War & Peace one of the greatest novels ever written, it also contains profound philosophical insights into issues such as free will, determinism, social justice, and human nature [5].

One theme that runs throughout Tolstoy's letters is his strong belief in living a simple life. He writes frequently about how he has given up worldly possessions to focus on spiritual matters [6]. For example, he discusses the decision of some Christian leaders to forgo material wealth as part of their commitment to serving others [7].

Another topic that Tolstoy touches upon in these letters is his opposition to organized religion and its practices. He expresses a deep desire for people to find true spiritual fulfillment without relying on the hierarchical structure of traditional churches [8]. This perspective aligns with his broader critique of institutions, including government and education, which he sees as corrupting influences on society [9].

Tolstoy's letters reveal a man wrestling with complex ideas about what it means to live a good life. While not always consistent in his beliefs or actions, these writings provide an interesting glimpse into the mind of one of history's most revered authors and thinkers [10].


[1] Letters from a Tall Man, edited by Nina Pyotrishvili. Princeton University Press, 2013.

[2] Tolstoy, Leo. "Letter to Count Pavel Ganzhevsky, August 16, 1905." Letters from a Tall Man: Selected Correspondence of Leo Tolstoy. Princeton University Press, 2013.

[3] Tolstoy, Leo. "Letter to Count Pavel Ganzhevsky, July 7, 1894." Letters from a Tall Man: Selected Correspondence of Leo Tolstoy. Princeton University Press, 2013.

[4] Tolstoy, Leo. "Letter to Nina Pyotrishvili, August 15, 1905." Letters from a Tall Man: Selected Correspondence of Leo Tolstoy. Princeton University Press, 2013.

[5] Brock, Andrew F., ed. War and Peace: A Critical History with Documents. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1996.

[6] "Letter to Pavel Ganzhevsky." Letters from a Tall Man: Selected Correspondence of Leo Tolstoy. Princeton University Press, 2013.

[7] "Letter to Count Pavel Ganzhevsky, July 5, 1894." Letters from a Tall Man: Selected Correspondence of Leo Tolstoy. Princeton University Press, 2013.

[8] Tolstoy, Leo. "Letter to Nina Pyotrishvili, August 16, 1905." Letters from a Tall Man: Selected Correspondence of Leo Tolstoy. Princeton University Press, 2013.

[9] Cottrell, Charles. Leo Tolstoy. New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1964.

[10] Smith, H. Keith. "Letter to Pavel Ganzhevsky." Letters from a Tall Man: Selected Correspondence of Leo Tolstoy. Princeton University Press, 2013.




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